+++ Direkt buchen lohnt sich doppelt: Über unsere Homepage erhalten Sie den besten Preis und eine exklusive Flasche Blanc de Noir (0,375 l, trocken, 12 %) aus dem Rheingau. +++


Conference facilities at the Carolinger Hüttendorf

The ideal environment for creative and professional conferences in the peaceful setting of the Farther Taunus. Available with leisure and sightseeing programme if desired (e.g. Lahn marble visit, Kubacher Crystal Cave, canoe trip on the Lahn River, minigolf session).
  • Air-conditioned conference room for up to 8 hours based on the number of participants (room hire included)
  • Free use of the internet/WiFi
  • Unlimited still and sparkling mineral water in the conference room
  • 1 notepad and 1 pencil per person
Basic conference equipment
  • Flip chart, projector & screen
  • Mid-morning break with hot drinks (coffee/tea) and light snacks
  • Lunch
  • Free soft drinks in the conference room
  • Afternoon break with hot drinks (coffee/tea) and biscuits
Conference rooms in the restaurant:
    • Half-timbered lounge for up to 20 conference guests
    • Winter lodge for up to 50 conference guests
    • Log cabin for up to 80 conference guests


€40.00 per person/day without evening meal & accommodation

€68.00 per person/day including 3-course evening meal

€75.00 Single room including breakfast (including conference and evening meal: €143.00)

€50.00 Double room including breakfast (including conference and evening meal: €118.00)

Please enquire at info@carolinger.net to make arrangements.

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